拜太岁 犯太岁: 犯太岁者心绪不佳,人事不和,易有情谊变动、毁损恶疾。 冲太岁:有冲击、抗争之意;双方作战相冲,亦称反吟。 偏冲太岁: 有刑法、刑伤之意;反感相刑,力更轻。 除夕开显露今年大运外,也有可能影响私人运程。容易遭受曲直缠绕身心,凡事以忍为佳,牢牢记住不可以作承包人,留意文件合同细节,免得惹上官非。刑太岁者,表达流年运程有可能会遭受一定的影响。若私人的属相与太岁有所不符合,则谓之犯太岁, 会对该年的运程有所影响,旧习俗就以摄太岁来消灾化解。 Tai Sui is regarded as the god of the year. The Chinese lunar calendar has 60 years in one cycle, its formed by the Heavenly stem and Earthly branch. Therefore there are 60 Tai Sui in the cycle, each one dominates one single year. This is the reason Tai Sui is called the god of the year, every event that occurs during the year is under his jurisdiction. People respect him highly, and fear to offend him because it would cause misfortunes and bad luck. To avoid offending the Tai Sui of the year, people pacify and enshrine the Tai Sui of the year. They will encounter obstructions to all their dealings, in addition to poor health and also safety. Some people had the misconception that Tai Sui can only be worshipped at the beginning of the year, but this is untrue. One can actually pray to Tai Sui any day throughout the year. You can pray to Tai Sui in Tian Teck Keng Temple, it is necessary to prepare a set of offering sets (joss paper), incense & candles. When you're praying , tell Tai Sui your name, make your wish sincerely for improvement of health, luck, wealth, prosperity, family safety and helpful mentors supports. Lastly , it’s a must to offer thanksgiving to Tai Sui at the end of the year. ![]() |
今年谁该拜太岁? Which Zodiac Animal Must Pray To Tai Sui?