礼斗法会 本宫谨订于农历癸卯年 正月初七日(阳历2025年02月04日)星期二,下午二时正,举行2025新春礼斗法会,欢迎各界善男信女前来进香。 本礼斗法会设有本命星君斗灯,礼聘复灵坛道长主持诵经 祈求: 本宫特备限量大号礼斗 (斗首) $288 礼斗法会于当日下午五时圆满完成, 香友请福物回家, 将会好运连连! 有意参加者,敬请向本宫负责人登记. 请趁早登记。 *参加者在七天后仍未前来请回福物,本宫将会把福物捐赠福利机构。 On the 7th day of the 1st lunar month during the Chinese New Year period, our Temple will be holding a special prayer service namely: “A Prosperity and Deliverance from Calamities to the 9 Lords of Northern Dipper Stars ” (北斗九皇) on: Tuesday, 4th February 2025, 2 pm Our Priests will perform the Special Prayers for devotees. All Devotees are welcome to participate. To perform this ritual, you need to set up a rice pot, which should contain the 5 elements of Universe; Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. These elements will be represented by scissor for Metal, ruler for Wood, mirror for Water (because of it reflection like water and mercury compound), Fire from an oil lamp and rice (the essential food for mankind) for Earth. The oil lamp also represents the devotee's personal star which is floating in the skies. Limited Large Pai Dao Set $288/= Advantages of Prayers:
After the prayers are completed at 5pm, devotees may collect the "blessed rice" home for Good Luck, Prosperity and Good Health. Please register EARLY by filling the Form below and hand it personally to the Temple by hand or by Post. *After 7 days, if the "blessed rice" is not collected, it would be donated to the nominated Welfare Home. ![]() |