参拜犒军 每两个星期六一次, 请向庙祝询问详情。 本庙准备犒军金纸 (大份/中份/小份) 让善男信女参拜, 祈求或答谢五营将军的加持和保佑。 一份大份:$28 , 全年:$812 一份中份:$18 , 全年:$522 一份小份:$8 , 全年:$232 如有事业/工作/生意/官司的问题,都可以祈求五营将军加持,消灾解厄。 有兴趣参拜犒军者,请到天德宫报名。 Tian Teck Keng Temple offers joss paper set for devotees to seek blessing from the 5 Generals and their soldiers in the bi-weekly “Kor Koon” thanksgiving ceremony held on every alternate Saturday at 1 pm. Each Set (Large):$28 , Whole Year: $812 Each Set (Medium):$18 , Whole Year: $522 Each Set (Small):$8 , Whole Year: $232 Do call the temple for more information. Registration can only be done at the temple. Thank you. ![]() |