拜虎爷 天德宫请信徒参拜虎爷公,破身边的小人 ! 愿虎爷公在新的一年 保佑您: 天德宫备有“拜虎爷金” (每份 $5) 惊蛰日 :正月二十五日 善男信女可以在当天准备 肥猪肉,豆干,鸡蛋,黄面供奉虎爷公 The objective of praying to the Tiger Deity is to seek personal safety during the new year and wish for all undesirable characters around us to stay away The Tiger Deity can resolve disastrous events such as wealth loss , lawsuits , injuries , bloodshed and accidents. There is also a belief that the Tiger Deity can bring Good Fortune to us. TTK temple invites devotees to patronize the temple in the praying to the Tiger Deity during the Chinese New Year and the Waking of the Insect Day (5th March 2024). |
今年谁该拜虎爷公? Which Zodiac Animal Must Pray To Tiger Deity?